Properties For Sale

If you have ever considered buying a property in Spain then this is probably the best time for a very long time. Spain has had a booming construction industry for many decades which has inevitably pushed prices up and up - similar to the situation in the UK but it has been going for much longer in Spain. With the recent recession the construction industry has suffered and this has caused property prices to drop.

Today, the market is very much the buyers market and there are plenty of deals to be had.

There are three gorgeous properties on the community where my parents live. We have got some photos of them and will be adding to these shortly.

If you are interested in buying a property in Spain, my parents have been through the whole buying process and are extremely knowledgeable. In fact they are the ones that helped us buy an apartment in Bonalba 5 years ago. It is a daunting prospect even when you can speak the language so it becomes even harder when you are doing this abroad. However, if you follow the rules and advice it is likely to be a smooth process.

Here are the three bargain properties for sale on the community at the moment.

Property 1
Property 2
Property 3

If you are interested in either property please contact David for further information or queries.

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